I read some graphic novels from amazing artists - Moebius. Such stories like: "Upon a Star," "The garden of Aedena," "The Goddess," and "Arzach." Before I started reading, I was already familiar with Moebius art. I think the way he uses lines and colors is breathtaking. The amount of detail that, no matter what, still doesn't make the art heavy is just incredible. So, I already knew that I would enjoy reading his graphic novels, but I wasn't sure about the story. I was always looking just at Moebius art, but I had no chance to get his full story. So I didn't know how he panels his novels, what stories he does, how he represents different characters, etc. And I was really surprised that I was very into the novel not because of the unique art but also because the story is very interesting. I enjoyed the story about Stel and his partner Atan and how first it is just a space adventure story about two friends from a super far future, ...