The Fifth Beatle by Vivek J. Tiwary, Andrew Robinson with Kyle Baker. (5 points)
I love listening to the Beatles, and for sure, I never knew that the famous four had a fifth element of the group. And perhaps if not him, we would never hear any song from the Beatles.
The story about Brian Epstein feels very warm and comforting. But with just one element that keeps going through the entire comic, the story doesn't make fully relax. The fact that Brian is always taking his pills to rest makes you feel uneasy.
But you try to forget about it while watching how Brian dresses up the dirty, messy Beatles boys, how he is giving them a style, a recognizable look. How he teaches them like a kind father how to behave, not to swear. How he fights for their music to see the light. How he believed in them with his whole heart and was saying all the time that they would be more famous than Presley. And how terrible it was on him their decision to break to stop recording. How he could not sleep and took too many pills and fell asleep forever. In some ways, we, as an audience, knew it would happen, but we did want to believe.
But this is not just a story of Brian the fish Beatles but also a great art piece. Each panel is a masterpiece. It has its unique style that reminds me of that Beatles style. The comic itself has a style that Brian created. Panels are drawing traditional with, I believe, gouache, and you can see each accurate brushstroke. Each person in the comic looks like a model. And finally, the color work is just amazing. From the colds to the warm colors, excellent value work. It is just stunning artwork.
I enjoyed reading this story, and again this is amazing how easily you can be introduced to someone's story through the comic book media.
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