George Herman comic strips (2 point)

 Major Ozone.

I think that Major Ozone is one of the uniquest characters I have ever met in comics. 

He is just a simple old man who wants to enjoy the fresh air. That is it. And around such a specific and unusual situation, the artist creates a lot of hilarious comic strips. Most of them are based on slapstick or action humor. 

The character gets hit, gets into a heavy smoke, or falls into the water—all drawn in a hilarious and expressive cartoony style. 

But the funniest situations for me were when they are based on verbal humor. 

Like strip when Major Ozone sits near the open window, and in the next window, his neighbor smokes a very smelly pipe. Major Ozone says that the man's pipe smoke smells fantastic. He kept saying that until the man closed his window, not to make Ozone smell this "beautiful" smoke. The last comment of the major Ozone made me smile. 

He said that that is what he calls Diplomacy. 

This is amazing how many situations you can make by exploring just one character with one particular problem. It forces you to think broader and in a more creative way. 

With "Krazy and Ignatz," there is the same slapstick style, but instead of the Major Ozone, there no one characters that I really can remember for a long time. But Major Ozon, I won't forget for a long time for sure. 


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