Archie's comics (4 points)
1) I think that at the beginning of the Archie phenomenon, Archie's comics were popular among teenagers, especially among girls. Of course, I might be wrong, but I believe that such stories about teenage relationships are more popular among girls than boys. But now, I am sure that everyone who is already in love with these characters can relax and read it no matter of age or gender.
I think that as soon as you get familiar with the characters and with their simple full of funny moments of life, you fall in love with them and want to read more.
For some people, these comics might also be very relatable. These stories are usually light, simple, and funny, so you can relax while reading them.
2) Archie's comics have main characters, and all the situations that are happening are all happening with these characters. And this idea is repeating in every comic. Each time there can be different situations, from simple relationship misunderstanding to the second world war, it will happen with the same characters every time. Most of the time, of course, situations involving romantic relationships happen throughout Archie's whole universe. The same question who will win Archie's attention this time, Betty or Veronica? Also, with every comic, we get to know our character a bit better. Like when in one story, we found out that Veronica is wealthy and gets lonely because of it.
And this is a crucial part of these stories. The characters. They became like your friends, and you want to know more and more about their lives.
3) I think that Archie originally is a comedian and not something depressing, but with modern ideas, Archie stories can become deep, scary, and profound sometimes. Like in the Archie 1941. So, I think any situation can happen with Archie, but what can't be there is an absolute absence of the well-known characters. There are stories about side characters or just one of the main heroes, but all other friends are always in the background. Archie is not Archie without Archie's characters.
I think these stories reflect a pretty good teenager's life, at least when Archie was first at its popularity peak. I can relate even to some situations, and it is nice to see that even your simple life can be seen thought funny and light perspective. Of course, there are more funny relationships aspects in these comics, and it very rarely when you can find some more complicated teenage life situations. But for example, I enjoy how in Archie 1941, after school graduation, Archie, who is usually very funny and cheerful, is now in light depression because he is lost. These kinds of problems often happen to teenagers.
4) Archie reminds me of the old TV shows that I loved to watch for a teenager when I was a teen. Like for example, "Drake and George." Each episode was a story with the beginning and the end, and it doesn't matter with what scene you will start watching. Characters are always the same. They are simple teenagers, with different personalities and goals. And every time they get into funny situations, we get to know them better by the end of it. And after watching some episodes, you fall in love with the heroes and want to get back to their lives.
The same thing I feel with Archie. It is like characters are becoming your friends, and if you don't read about them for a long time, you start to miss them, wonder how my friends are doing, and start reading.
I think many people found their new friends in Archie's comics. That simple formula of each episode like a small story, same characters, the different situation works so well, so Archie is still alive since 1941. They're even so many people who want to know what will happen next with the beloved characters.
- Aleksandra Ferentc
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